Ukrainian painter. Master of the impressionistic landscape. Born April 6, 1922 in the village of Aksay (Volgograd region). He graduated from the Ohr (1955), where he studied in L. Muchnik and D. Frumin. Member of the Second World War. Participated in exhibitions: republican (since 1957), all-Union (since 1958). Awarded with medals. Worked in the genre of landscape and still life. The artist has a pronounced, special color, characteristic of the Odessa school of painting. Most of the author’s paintings were sold out – he did not save, but gave works. 19 paintings were donated by the daughter of OXM, where in 2000 there was a posthumous exhibition of the artist. Bright representative of the “South-Russian” impressionism. Among the variety of trends in art, the most consonant internal storehouse of Malyshev was Impressionism – a picturesque transformation of fleeting impressions into artistic images. There is an opinion that one day the current currents pass through the peak of development and lose their relevance. A common misconception! In reality, this is not the case. Any current remains to live in genetic memory, at a suitable moment ready to be actualized and creatively manifested. Everything depends on the artist, his elemental sensuality and erudition. His work Malyshev showed how tenacious and inexhaustible the impressionistic approach to pictorial art. The artistic credibility of the works created by him is such that the ideology of the fleeting impression takes on the strength of the fundamental nature of the polyphonic sounding of the whole image. Malyshev is the subtlest colorist and inspirational lyricist. The color is necessarily with a pearly mother-of-pearl outflow, the generalized form is a consonant movement of a realistic prototype and a romantically interpreted image, the light flooding the picture sounds a major chord of optimistic perception of life. The artist literally spouted with his ineradicable desire to write! Being an avid hunter, fisherman, he liked friendly communication at the fire, he was known as a hospitable and hospitable family man, witty and inexhaustible storyteller to fiction. All this enriched his life impressions, ensured a high degree of creative intensity. The main works: “On the Dniester” (1958); “New port of Illichivka” (1960); “Spring near Odessa” (1963); “In the fields of the state farm named after TG Shevchenko” (1964); “On the Dniester” (1967) and others. Works of the painter are presented in public and private collections in Ukraine and abroad.

Photo: Gennady Malyshev “Near the rate” 1969 year