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“Tidal bore”

“Tidal bore”
Karmaz N. A.
$ 275
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Author:Karmaz Nikolai Afanasievich


Technic:canvas, oil



Creating date:1979

Sign existance:Yes


restoration, new subframe

Karmaz Nikolai Afanasievich
Karmaz Nikolai Afanasievich
1927 г.р.

Soviet Ukrainian painter. Member of the USSR Academy of Arts. He was born on February 15, 1927 in Zaporozhye. He graduated from the Moscow Art College named after N.K. Krupskaya in 1951. Major works: “The Dnieper landscape” (1964), “In the vastness of the Dnieper” (1965), “Collective herds” (1966), “Twilight” (1968), “Spring” (1971, 1988; 1986), “Quiet” ( 1974), “Spring in the Field” (1980), “Gloomy Day” (1982), “Noon” (1983), “Cloudy Day” (1985), “Zaporozhskaya Land”, “Moon Landscape” (both – 1991), “On the expanse of the Dnieper” (1995), “Khortitsa. Autumn on the Dnieper River “(2005),” Earth “(2006),” Sea “(2008),” On the Seashore “(2010). Member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine. Member of the Zaporozhye branch of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine. The participant of numerous exhibitions, works of the painter are widely represented in many public and private collections in Ukraine and abroad. Lives and works in Zaporozhye.

Photo: Karmaz N.A. :: On the path :: 1980, 40х50, cardboard, oil

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