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“Repin Ilya Efimovich”

“Repin Ilya Efimovich”
Safargalin A. G.
$ 485
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Author:Safargalin Askhat Gazizulinovich


Technic:canvas, oil



Creating date:1959

Sign existance:on the back


repetition of the painting by Repin Ilya Efimovich (1844-1930) “Self-portrait” (1878), restoration is underway

Safargalin Askhat Gazizulinovich
Safargalin Askhat Gazizulinovich

Soviet Ukrainian painter. Honored Art Worker of the Ukrainian SSR. Member of the USSR Academy of Arts. Askhat Gazizulinovich Safargalin was born on August 8, 1922 in the village of. Old Kurmashovo in Tatarstan. From 1938 to 1941. and from 1945 to 1947. studied at the Kazan Art College. Member of the Great Patriotic War. Marked with military awards. From 1947 to 1953 he studied at the Kharkov Art Institute with A. Kokel, P. Kotov, M. Rybalchenko and L. Chernov. Safargalin A.G. – participant of republican, all-union and foreign art exhibitions since 1953. Member of the Union of Artists of the USSR since 1958. Worked in the field of easel painting. Master of genre paintings. Laureate of the regional Komsomol prize named after O. Zubarev. In 1954 and in 1977. personal exhibitions of the artist took place in Kharkov. Honored Art Worker of the Ukrainian SSR since 1968. The main works: “Vacation” (1954); “List” (1957); “Piglets” (1960); “Student Spring” (1961); “Harvest” (1963); “The Nurse” (1965); “May rain” (1967); “The working semester” (1968); “Unharness, guys, horses …”. (1969) and others. The works of Safargalin AG Represented in the National Art Museum of Ukraine, in Kharkiv, Lviv, Donetsk, Sevastopol, Zaporozhye and other art and local history museums, in gallery and private collections in Ukraine, Germany, Japan, Canada, Italy and other countries.

Картинки по запросу Сафаргалин Асхат Газизулинович художник

Photo: Safargalin Askhat Gazizulinovich (1922-1975) “Letter”