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“Moldovan dance”

“Moldovan dance”
Bondarenko S. V.
$ 29850
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Author:Bondarenko Svetlana Vladimirovna

Genre:The subject-thematic picture

Technic:canvas, oil

Style:socialist realism


Creating date:1971

Sign existance:Yes


the product took part in the Republican and All-Union Art Exhibition of Arts of the USSR, a restoration, a new stretcher,

Bondarenko Svetlana Vladimirovna
Bondarenko Svetlana Vladimirovna
1935 г.р.

Soviet Ukrainian painter. Honored Artist of Ukraine. Member of the USSR Academy of Arts. She was born on December 12, 1935 in the city of Kiev. Graduated from Kiev Art Institute (1961). Teachers by specialty: K. Trokhimenko, A. Shovkunenko. Worked in the field of genre-themed painting. Pictures reproduce the nature and life of Transcarpathia. Member of the National Union of Artists (1970). Taught: Republican Art School. T. Shevchenko (1961-1996) in Kiev. Pupils: Goncharenko Yu.E. She participated in republican exhibitions since 1962. The main works: “Mother” (1969), “Hutsulskaya spouses” (1969), “Marichka” (1970), “Motherland” (1970-1972), “Eternal Spring” (1970-1973), “Pervenets” (1971) , “Hut” (1971), “Hutsul Still Life” (1975), “The Wedding Comes” (1978). She lived and worked in Kiev. Works are presented in many public and private collections in Ukraine and abroad.

Photo: Svetlana Vladimirovna Bondarenko “Noon” 1984