Soviet, Ukrainian painter. Member of the Union of Artists of the USSR (1972). Born October 2, 1929 in the village of Litvinovka, Belovodsky district, Lugansk (Voroshilovgrad) region in the family collective farm, the eldest of six children. At eight I went to a rural school. In 1944 he graduated from the seven classes of the Litvinovskaya secondary school. In 1944 he entered the Voroshilovgrad Art College. In the spring of 1947, due to the lack of funds for survival, he was forced to leave the school and enter the FZO (factory-training) school in the town of Gorskoe in the Popasnyansky district of the Voroshilovgrad region. Worked as a clamp at the mine in order to return to school. He graduated with honors from the Voroshilovgrad Art College (1951). Teachers on the specialty – Levchenko NK, Kravchenko VS, Alekseev IV. In 1951 he entered the Kharkov Art Institute. In connection with the difficult material situation, he was forced to take an academic leave for a year, which he used for his earnings as an artist-designer. He graduated from the Kharkov Art Institute in the specialty of theatrical and decorative painting (1958). Teachers by profession – Professor Kosarev BV, Rybalcheiko MN, Bratchenko LS After graduation, the institute was distributed to the Chernigov Regional Music and Drama Theater. T.G. Shevchenko is an artist-director. In 1959 he moved to Lugansk (Voroshilovgrad), where he worked at the Combine of the Art Fund of Ukraine. Participant of the exhibitions: city, regional, republican, all-Union, international (since 1959). He was a member of the delegation on creative relations of workers of Lugansk region with Tatarstan, took an active part in the public life of the plant. Since 1962 – a candidate member of the Union of Artists of the USSR. Member of the Union of Artists of the USSR (1972). In 1980, in connection with his wife’s illness, he moved to the Crimea, where he worked in the workshops of the Art Fund of Ukraine in Sevastopol. Since 1999, he retired as a free artist, a member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine. He worked mainly in the genre of portrait, landscape and still life. The works of Nikolai Neklyuenko are permeated with warmth, light energy of the author, reflect his inner world, the results of reflection. For his creative activity, his name is included in the Book of Famous People of Crimea. Fragments of the exposition of the personal exhibition in Simferopol 2007. Works of the artist Neklyuenko N.P. participated in national and international auctions. The artist’s works are kept in museums: Kiev, Lugansk, Kharkov, Simferopol, Sevastopol, in private collections: the USA, Germany, Italy, Canada, Australia, Ukraine and many other countries. Died 10 (11?) December 2011. The artist’s works are kept in museums: Kiev, Lugansk, Kharkov, Simferopol, Sevastopol, in private collections: the USA, Germany, Italy, Canada, Australia, Ukraine and many other countries.

Photo: In the workshops of the Kharkov Art Institute (on the right, NP Neklyuenko).

Photo: In the workshop.

Photo: Neklyuenko NP at the exhibition.

Photo: Neklyuenko, N.P. “Crimean landscape”