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Online gallery “Windows of Socialist Realism” works on full prepayment. Payment for purchases in Ukraine is made in the national currency unit – hryvnia. Delivery in Ukraine is free. Sending pictures abroad is carried out after obtaining permits from the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine for the movement of cultural property across the border of Ukraine. Permits for the export and delivery to the customer at the expense of the trading platform “Socialist Realism Windows”. Formation, collection and dispatch of the order take place within 3 – 5 working days from the moment the payment is confirmed. Delivery is carried out by the delivery service “Ukrpochta”. After sending, an international Track-consignment number is sent to the buyer to track the package. Paintings up to 100 centimeters in size on one side are sent on a frame, more than 100 centimeters are rolled up in a roll and packed in a tube. Exceptions are cases when the painting is sold decorated in an expensive frame. Details can be negotiated and specified at the request of the buyer. Details for payment are listed below in the dollar version and the euro.
Payment details USD
Payment details EURO
Do you have questions or suggestions? Write to us, we will be happy to answer.
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