Ukrainian painter. Member of the Union of Artists of Ukraine. She was born in 1983 in Poltava. In 2014 she moved to Warsaw, Poland. Education, education: 1994-1999 – Poltava children’s art school, 1999-2000 – art studio “Sunflower”, 2001-2011- National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture (specialty artist-restorer), Kyiv. Work: 2006 – artist-restorer in the National Scientific and Experimental Restoration Center; 2006-2008- lecturer at the Department of Fine and Decorative Applied Arts at Kamyanets-Podilsky Pedagogical University; since 2008 – free artist – pleneristka; in 2008 – was half a year in Poland on the art scholarship “Gaude Polonia”. Personal and general exhibitions: Personal exhibitions: 2003, 2006, 2009, 2010 (Poltava, Kiiv); from 2001 – participant of all-Ukrainian and regional exhibitions; from 2004 – participant of all-Ukrainian art projects, international planners. Artistic employment, interest: works in different techniques of painting: dry pastel, oil and acrylic painting, mostly – landscape motifs, less often still lifes and portraits.

Photo: Vera Varyanskaya “In the mountains”