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Smirnov Vasily Valentinovich

Smirnov Vasily Valentinovich

1955 г.р.


Soviet Ukrainian painter. Member of the Union of Artists of Ukraine. He was born in 1955 in the city of Kiev. He graduated from the KHI. Master of thematic paintings, author of landscapes of still lifes and portraits. Lives and works in Kiev. Works Smirnov V.V. are represented in many public and private collections in Ukraine and abroad.

Смирнов Василий Валентинович (р.1955, Киев). "Аркадий Гайдар в 1941 году". 1980.

Smirnov Vasily Valentinovich (p. 1955, Kiev). “Arkady Gaidar in 1941”. 1980.