Born September 9, 1922 in Kherson. He graduated from the Simferopol Art College named after M. Samokish Teacher by specialty – V. Strelnikov, V. Apanovich. He worked in the easel painting industry. The main works: “Before the change” (1962); “Textile 3. Azarov” (1963); “The Worker N. Kukushka” (1968); “Student Alla Ivanova”, “Rabfakovka” (1969) and others. Participated in republican exhibitions since 1963. He lived and worked in Kherson. The first creative steps of the artist began in the art studio of the city Pioneers’ House, in 1939 L. Shtymer entered the Kherson Academy of Arts, and after his reorganization transferred to the Lugansk Art School for the painting department. During the war he worked on the construction of a military plant in Northern Kazakhstan. In 1946, L. Shtyrmer returned to Kherson. He works on advertising for a cinema, teaches in the art studio of the House of Pioneers. His public activities are connected with the creation of the Kherson Association of Artists, the first head of which he was elected.
Since 1952 he has been a regular participant of regional, all-Ukrainian and all-union art exhibitions. His works were exhibited at 75 exhibitions in Kherson, Moscow, Minsk, Vilnius, Shumen (Bulgaria), Zalaegerszeg (Hungary). His works are in museums of Ukraine and private collections in Bulgaria, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Israel, France, USA, Norway, Poland. The exposition of the exhibition includes works from the museum’s collection. There are more than 70 exhibits in the collections, much of which is the gift of the artist and his son. A follower of a realistic trend, Lazar Shtyrmer tried to reflect the present in optimistic, strong, dynamic images. In the history of the art culture of Kherson, he entered as a painter, who unerringly felt the decorative possibilities of color, the master of portrait, landscape, still life. Creativity of the artist covers the period of time from the mid-50s to the late 90s of the 20th century. His works reflected the art of this difficult and interesting period. The stages of his creativity coincide with the stages of development of our society. He was the heir of the traditions of the trends of the 1920s: cubism, avant-gardism, futurism, symbolism. But in socialist reality they underwent changes under the influence of socialist ideology. Building a new culture of socialist society from scratch is impossible without continuity with progressive and world culture. Also the words of the socialist leader VI Lenin about the fact that “… it (art) should be understandable to the broad working masses and loved by them. It must unite the feeling, THOUGHT, the will of these masses, to raise them … “. From art, first of all, a bright, infectious and at the same time strongly pronounced social content was required.
Continuity in culture, and in particular in art, lies in the further development of progressive artistic traditions. And what is the basis for their creativity from the accumulated cultural heritage? This question is decided by each artist in its own way, depending on economic, political and social conditions. And Lazar Shtarmer developed his own special style of creativity, preserved the best, progressive traditions of realistic art of post-revolutionary years. His work was multifaceted, he could express himself in different genres, but he gave preference to the portrait.
Photo: At the exhibition of L. Sh. Styrmer. Kherson city
Photo: At the exhibition of L. Sh. Styrmer. Kherson city
Photo: At the exhibition of L. Sh. Styrmer. Kherson city