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Malinka Nikolai Afanasievich

Malinka Nikolai Afanasievich

1913 - 1993


Soviet Ukrainian painter. Member of the USSR Academy of Arts. Nikolai Afanasievich Malinka was born on February 16, 1913 in the village of. Lysnyak in Poltava in the family of a poor peasant. Ability to draw noticed the teacher seven-year and strongly advised the future artist to study painting. In the autumn of 1934, Nikolai Malinka entered the All-Ukrainian Art Institute in Kiev. After finishing the preparatory department and two courses of the painting faculty, he was drafted into the Red Army. The artist served in the Special Cavalry Regiment of the People’s Commissar of Defense, which was stationed in Moscow. At that time, with this military unit, there was an art studio named after him. M.B. Grekova. By order of the Political Department of the Moscow Military District, Nicholas Malinku was transferred to this studio as a young beginning artist, where he studied with such famous artists as Kh.A. Ushenin, EA Katsman, VS Svarog, AM Gerasimov. Since 1939 he has been an active participant in art exhibitions. After demobilization, at the beginning of 1940, the Arts Committee of the Council of People’s Commissars of the Ukrainian SSR was sent to Western Ukraine in the city of Kosov-Gutsulsky to organize a school of Hutsul applied art there. Member of the Great Patriotic War. From the autumn of 1943 to December 1945 – at the front. Marked with military awards. After the war, returning to his native Yagotin, N.A. Malinka worked as an artist. Since 1949 – a candidate for membership in the Union of Artists of the USSR. Since 1955 – a member of the Kiev Association of Artists (KTKh). In 1962 the KTK became a member of the All-Union Art Fund and Malinka became a member of it. In Yagotin, the artist actively participated in the creation of a historical museum, he led a studio of fine arts. The painter painted a lot of paintings, which depict landscapes of his native land, historical events, portraits of outstanding people.
His works are presented in museum and private collections in Ukraine, Russia, USA, Switzerland, Canada, Holland, Australia. Two paintings by the artist Shechenkov’s themes are in the exposition of the Museum of T. Shevchenko in Toronto (Canada). Several paintings, including the famous “Kobzari”, were exhibited in 1988 in New York (USA).

Картинки по запросу Малинка Николай Афанасьевич художник

Photo: Malinka Nikolai Afanasievich “Memory”