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Kogan-Shat Matvey Borisovich

Kogan-Shat Matvey Borisovich

1911 – 1989


Soviet Ukrainian painter, master of landscape painting. Member of the USSR Union of Artists. Kogan-Shat Matvey Borisovich was born in Mogilev-Podolsky, Vinnitsa region. He graduated from the Kiev Art Institute (1939), where he studied under P. Volokidin and A. Shovkunenko. Lived and worked in Kiev. Since 1939, he participated in exhibitions, including foreign ones (Italy, France, Yugoslavia – 1968, Japan – 1970, etc.). The artist’s works are presented in the National Art Museum of Ukraine, Poltava, Nikolaev, Berdyansk art museums, Alupka Palace Museum. The artist’s paintings are in great demand in the art market of Ukraine, Russia and other CIS countries.

Photo: Matvey Kogan-Shatz “Zavod”

Картинки по запросу Коган-Шац Матвей художник

Photo: Matvey Kogan-Shatz “Summer”