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Babenko Ivan Aleksandrovich

Babenko Ivan Aleksandrovich

1935 г.р.


Soviet Ukrainian painter. Member of the USSR Academy of Arts. He was born on October 19, 1935 in Kiev. He graduated from the Kharkov State Art Institute (1966), teachers – N. Gnoyeva, A. Lutsenko; Ukrainian Polygraphic Institute. I. Fedorova (Lviv, 1972), teachers – V.Savin, V.Bunov. Member of the Union of Journalists of Ukraine since 1974. Member of the National Union of Artists since 1990. Member of republican, all-Union, international, foreign art exhibitions since 1972. Works in Kharkov State Academy of Municipal Economy, Associate Professor (since 1991). Participant in exhibitions: republican, all-Union since 1966, international since 1972 and foreign (Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Poland, 1977-1989). Personal in Kharkov in (1975, 1966, 2000); in Moscow (1993). The main works: “In his own brigade” (1970); “The Little Earth. Commissioner, 1978; “Soldiers. The 43rd year “, 1966; “Expectation. 1945 “; Second echelon, 1989; «Obzhinka», 1982; “On a peaceful field”, 1983-1984; Portrait of a Milkmaid, 1977; “Portrait of the artist M. Seredchenka”, 1987; “Portrait of a Professor”, 1990; “Portrait of the Hero of Socialist Labor I. Babansky”, 1983; “Khleborob”, 1989; “Bright Day”, “Spring Comes”, 1994; “Berezin ‘”, 1996; “Evening Bells”, 1999. Works are kept in the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine, the National Museum of the city of Yeisk (RF).

В родную бригаду

Photo: Babenko Ivan Aleksandrovich. “To my own brigade”, 1970